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Introducing Performance Management for enhanced collaboration

On a vibrant and enlightening Supplier Community Event, industry professionals gathered to witness the unveiling of the new cutting-edge SupplyOn Performance Management. The event was designed to introduce this innovative solution, offer a sneak preview, and host a panel discussion with esteemed speakers from Bosch, ZF and Klüber Lubrication. This blog delves into the highlights of the event, the features of the new solution and insights from the panel discussionThe Supplier Community Event brought together suppliers, procurement specialists, and supply chain managers from various industries. The event aimed to foster collaboration, share best practices, and introduce the latest advancements in the development of Performance Management. Held at a state-of-the-art venue, the atmosphere was charged with excitement and anticipation as attendees eagerly awaited the big reveal. Hearing customer voicesThe event opened with a message from Andrei Antipov (Director Purchasing) and Andreas Alber (Senior Manager) from Bosch. They emphasized the importance of digital transformation in collaboration with suppliers and introduced their plans with the new SupplyOn Performance Management. Various functions such as real-time feedback and performance evaluations shall contribute to improving quality and efficiency. With this initiative, Bosch aims to build stronger, transparent and sustainable partnerships with its suppliers.  Unveiling a new eraThe centerpiece of the event was the presentation of the new Performance Management. This innovative tool promises to revolutionize how businesses manage, evaluate, and improve supplier performance. Key features of the solution include: Real-Time Data AnalyticsThe solution leverages advanced data analytics to provide real-time insights into supplier performance. Users can monitor traditional key performance indicators (KPIs) such as quality, delivery, cost and service levels, but also several soft facts, strategic KPIs through an intuitive dashboard. Automated ReportingGone are the days of manual data collection and reporting. The solution automates these processes, ensuring accuracy and saving valuable time. Customizable reports can be generated with a few clicks, offering detailed performance summaries and trend analyses. Performance ScorecardsSuppliers receive performance scorecards that highlight their strengths and areas for improvement. These scorecards foster transparency and encourage continuous improvement. Risk MitigationThe solution includes robust risk management features. It assesses potential risks by monitoring suppliers' financial health, compliance with regulations, and adherence to contractual obligations, enabling proactive risk mitigation. Collaboration FeaturesBuilt-in collaboration tools facilitate seamless communication between businesses and their suppliers. Issues can be addressed promptly, and improvement plans can be developed collaboratively, ensuring alignment and mutual benefit.During the event the suppliers had the opportunity to volunteer for involvement in the further development of the solution and provide feedback during testing. In addition, they could also vote in polls on what additional functions they would like to see in the solution. Sneak Preview: Hands-On ExperienceAttendees had the opportunity to have a closer look at the solution through a live demonstration. Guided by myself, Maria-Pia (Product Owner), and the valuable questions from Patricia (Supplier Onboarding specialist) suppliers explored the solution's functionalities and experienced firsthand how it can streamline their supplier management processes. The sneak preview generated enthusiastic feedback, with many attendees expressing excitement about the solution’s potential to enhance their supply chain operations. Panel Discussion: Insights from industry expertsA highlight of Supplier Community Event was certainly our panel discussion featuring industry experts in our area of focus: Monitoring and anaging delivery and quality performance.Bruno Paris (Quality Engineer, Corporate Supplier Quality Management) explained ZF's use of several SupplyOn solutions in the area of supplier quality management such as Project Management, Problem Solver and Performance Monitor for managing APQP projects, complaints, 8D and performance data, highlighting that over 4,500 suppliers use their performance monitor for monthly quality and logistics KPI updates for globally monitoring their quality and logistics performance on a monthly basis.Marcus Hylla explained the usage of the Performance Monitor at Klüber Lubrication from a supplier’s point of view. He described how they work with the solution for exchanging data with their customers and expressed the need for an automated solution to save even more time in the future.Among other topics the discussion covered AI's potential in streamlining processes, offering proactive analysis and providing interactive chatbots. I would like to thank all our speakers for revealing insights from many different perspectives. As businesses continue to navigate the complexities of the global supply chain, the new Performance Management solution stands out as a powerful tool to drive performance, reduce risks, and foster stronger supplier relationships. In terms of AI SupplyOn sees a high potential in making data analysis faster and decision making easier within Performance Management. The Supplier Community Event not only showcased this innovative solution but also highlighted the collaborative spirit and forward-thinking approach that will shape the future of Performance Management.
Introducing Performance Management for enhanced collaboration

Fly like you drive – 2023 mid-year recap: supply chain digital transformation insights

Managing both automotive and aerospace, as well as complex manufacturing, has kept me busy attending back-to-back conferences in 2023. It's only fitting to title my latest blog post with a nod to an old advertising colleague and friend, Steve O'Connor, who used to host an annual "Ski Like You Drive" event in Wisconsin (the Vail of the Midwest, sort of). It's fascinating to observe the strong connection between these industries, which share many suppliers. Automotive manufacturing, with its faster production and shorter lead times, is often at the forefront of transportation technology. Now, as Jetson's-style flying cars become a reality, they are becoming even more intertwined.As we approach the mid-year mark, it's clear that 2023 has flown by, driven not only by the series of conferences in the aerospace and automotive sectors but also by the surge of inquiries about our supply chain solutions. Now more than ever, organizations are seriously engaged in digital transformation efforts, with tight deadlines to meet. One customer aptly described the current situation as a "two-year backlog." After the uncertainty caused by the global pandemic, we face the same old challenges, along with new ones and ongoing unknown risks.A hectic yet exciting year so far: conference insightsThe Stellantis Town Hall Meeting kicked off my conference circuit. Hosted by MEMA (Original Equipment Suppliers) in the Detroit area, this conference provided an overview of Stellantis' future vision and strategies. It was a half-day session followed by an opportunity to meet the team and network with industry professionals.Next up was the PNAA’s Annual Aerospace Conference, called Advance 2023. This well-attended conference brought together hundreds of aerospace professionals from over 350 companies at the Lynwood Convention Center in Seattle. It was a great occasion to reconnect with old friends and explore the current and future state of aerospace, including technology advancements and supply chain challenges such as shortages, more visibility, transparency, and our ecosystem. Technology and tools were top of the list of subjects, and the message was clear for need for partners in the supply chain. I managed to contain myself and not stand up in the audience, wave my arms, and yell, "Hello, come talk to me about SupplyOn". Global discussions were in play, with a close eye on our overseas counterparts.Circling back to the East, I visited the South Carolina Automotive Conference in Greenville, South Carolina. The hot topic here was sustainability, an increasingly crucial aspect of the automotive industry. It was an excellent opportunity to learn from industry pioneers and explore the latest advances in sustainable practices. The conference also featured a display of Clemson University's autonomous vehicle, which showcased cutting-edge 3D printing technology.In between the conferences, meetings, workshops, and proposals we held our Annual SupplyOn North American Summit in South Carolina, near our North American headquarters. The summit was led by our Global CEO, Markus Quicken, and our North American CEO, Derek Baggerly.  We concluded our summit with a tour of the BMW factory, complete with robots, exoskeletons, and hydrogen-fueled golf carts. This summit also kicked off customer and shareholder visits to North America. What’s unique and special about these visits is the engagement with our customers and the inclusion of their feedback into our technology roadmap. This is one of the key reasons I call SupplyOn the “Goldilocks” company: just right the right size to support customers like BMW and Airbus but also the right size to be agile, flexible, and accessible in order to partner genuinely.Next up was the Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) SMC Conference, hosted by Boeing in Phoenix, Arizona. This conference always provides an intimate setting for OEMs and suppliers to get together. Honestly, these events feel like part family reunion/part work happy hour but with very informative and inspiring sessions—topics surrounding supply chain challenges with parts, policies, governance, ESG, and future predictions.Aeromart followed shortly after AIA in Montreal, Canada. This conference toggles back and forth between Montreal and Seattle each year, further building our alliance. Discussions centered around supply chain challenges, future needs, labor shortages, visibility, transparency, and leveraging technology and tools. SupplyOn had a prominent presence at the conference, hosting a booth and delivering a workshop by our CEO, Derek Baggerly, to bring the buzzwords to business case. Sustainability, transparency, visibility, and ecosystems, to name a few.Throughout 2023, the demand for our supply chain software has been overwhelming, leading me to prioritize partnerships and skip a couple of conferences. However, this high demand signifies the growing importance of digital transformation in supply chains. As we move forward, transparency, visibility, collaboration, and sustainability remain key drivers in meeting the needs of 2023 and beyond.Looking forward to the Paris Air ShowWrapping up the mid-year recap, I'm excited to attend my first Paris Airs Show. This is an important event, particularly with the increased interest from North America. I'm honored to be a part of the show and look forward to engaging with industry professionals, learning more about aerospace organizations, and enjoying the airshow. Stay tuned for the show's highlights, the rest of 2023, and more!
Fly like you drive – 2023 mid-year recap: supply chain digital transformation insights

Turning supply chain transformation needs into a reality

How do you achieve a resilient supply chain with transparency, visibility, and sustainability in 2023? Focus on these four areas:CollaborationActual two-way collaboration is necessary to achieve supply chain resiliency. Instead of chasing down parts, real-time updates and feedback all in one place are needed to make the best decisions. In order to achieve this, accurate data and the right tools are imperative for this process to create a holistic environment for both your organization and supply chain for ultimate success together. DataTo create more effective and efficient supply chain management we need data. Everyone wants data and has it in some form. Unfortunately, what is referred to as a "data lake" is often more like a bunch of random muddy puddles in a field after a huge rainstorm; not clear, not connected, unknown depths, and is generally very messy. So how do you collect it and connect it to analyze it efficiently? With digital tools.ToolsFor accurate data, visibility, resiliency, and sustainability, ultimately, you need the right tools. Organizations everywhere realize and understand that more tools are required to level up a system, replace a system, or bridge the gaps with existing systems. With the right tools, data can be collected and organized in an easy-to-use platform with dashboards and reports at your fingertips to continually monitor, collaborate and analyze your data. True PartnershipManufacturers everywhere have a lot at stake. However, going away is the "do it or else" attitude regarding supply chain. Instead, it is being replaced with holistic, collaborative, and honest relationships with key suppliers and competitors. In 2022, I heard more and more, "how can we work together to get this done?" Wordsmithing mashups with competitor + partnership + friendship are coming into play like 'friendtitor,' 'partnitor,' and 'competiship.' Right now I am loving this more open-minded approach to chaining business processes and practices. I'm excited to be a part of this ecosystem and change for the future. 
Turning supply chain transformation needs into a reality

2022 supply chain recap – expert ramblings from “boots on the ground” experiences

It's always important to take a look back before moving forward. Doing this keeps us from that brain fog thing of wondering why we walked into the kitchen for the third time in a row and still forget to turn off the oven. In 2022 there was a lot, and even though 2020 and 2021 seemed like they morphed together to make one extra-long, exceptionally insane, and challenging year, 2022 felt like an extension of that in many ways. I'd liken it to a roller-coaster (and I mean the kind of broken down, roller-coaster at an abandoned amusement park with monsters chasing it, ala Scooby Doo) with the non-stop events, war, more covid and health issues, insane weather, strikes, raw material shortages, price jumps and still fearful of those murder hornets. Before Covid, when a random person would ask what I did for a living, and I said supply chain software for automotive, aerospace, and complex manufacturing, I'd immediately see their eyes glaze over and then dart around looking for a quick exit. Supply chain sounded boring or too complex, and even more, the software for it. "Kind of a specialty," I'd remark and smile to myself, as the average person had no idea just what pressure went into the day of a buyer or supplier in supply chain. Supply chains take center stageThen Covid hit, and supply chain was now a household term. Suddenly, I felt like I was in that 1979 EF Hutton TV commercial, except for the supply chain. People actually wanted to listen about supply chain software. In fact, I'd find myself engaged in long conversations about supply chain matters and essentially saving the world. Even my kids were talking about it. Especially when I'd come home from grocery shopping and I'd turn up with their favorite food or snack requests missing from the grocery store run. Topics would range from worker shortages, safety, illness, raw materials, strikes, printed packaging, inks, crops, and transportation, to name a few. I'd explain what I already knew and then try to figure out what exactly was going on.As a dabbler in creative writing, I couldn't even make some of this stuff up. It was sometimes perplexing why some things just went missing for months and not others. But we muddled through like everyone else; people and companies got creative and resourceful. It was impressive to watch it unfold. By the end of 2022, even with all the chaos, things started to feel normal-ish again, and the world opened up further. Companies needed solutions, and my calendar was booked up for introductions and demos. Supply chain was up front and center now. By fall, I was also able to attend quite a few sold-out industry conferences as well. Speakers, experts, and attendees clamored; we had all been cooped up for way too long and needed desperately to connect the way we used to. We had a thirst for more knowledge about the state of supply chains and thoughts on the future. The vibes were much more different; it was high energy, focused, with a scent of desperation for real change. From meetings with prospective customers, customers, and industry conferences, what was once a mere "pie in the sky" wish of real supply chain collaboration was now, even more, a much-needed reality. We needed to propel supply chain management into the future, not just to be efficient and manageable but to sustain the lives of companies.2022 needs recapResiliency"Resiliency" is a term that has been tossed around before the pandemic, but in 2022 I found it to be the theme of the year when it comes to supply chain. However, resiliency doesn't necessarily mean the same thing for everyone. The list goes on: strong supply chain, access to inventory, reduced costs, backup suppliers, and insight into trends, issues, and challenges. So, what does it mean to have a "resilient supply chain" to you? TransparencyEven before the global pandemic, supply chains were volatile. In the complex manufacturing world, buyers/planners would forecast and put their orders into suppliers around the globe, and suppliers would accept them. For automotive and aerospace, that could be a year-plus lead time or even longer. Until the promise date arrives and there are no parts, or perhaps if an advance ship notification (ASN) is generated, there is literally no status on the supplies that are ordered. When a part is missing or late, chaos ensues, right? Things like production shutdown can occur, late orders, and essentially, ultimately, affect the bottom line. VisibilityOne of the biggest things I heard over and over again at conferences and from prospects was having greater "visibility" into their supply chains all the way to tier N. The statement, "we don't know who our suppliers are, " became a constant concern. Of course, the goal is to plan better, and especially OEMs and top-tier suppliers want the ability to know things even before their suppliers do in order to plan better and make informed proactive decisions. SustainabilityI remember when sustainability was the buzzword back in the 90s. I worked on quite a few sustainability statements for customers. Everyone seemed to have a goal about sustainability by the year 2020. That came and went, and the global pandemic made us go backward on this initiative, more disposable everything, personal protective eqipment (PPE), shortages, expedited orders, and transit. After all this, we are trying to get back on course to reduce our carbon footprint while being profitable. Stay tuned for more tips, tricks, ideas, and ramblings.
2022 supply chain recap – expert ramblings from “boots on the ground” experiences

Four steps to get a grip on key requirements of the Supply Chain Act

On January 1, 2023, the so-called Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains — known in common language as the Supply Chain Act — will come into force in Germany. Oliver, you have been dealing with this topic for quite some time. What is your impression? Are the companies that are affected by it well prepared for it?Initially, the law only affects large companies with more than 3,000 employees in Germany. My impression is that many of these companies are dealing with the issue but have not yet taken all the precautions to be able to fulfill the required due diligence.Just one year later, on January 1, 2024, even smaller companies with 1,000 or more employees will be affected. Even if this deadline still seems a long way off, there will be an urgent need for action from mid-2023 at the latest.What needs to be done in concrete terms?The law obliges companies to exercise due diligence with regard to the protection of human rights and the environment — and in particular with regard to their supply chains. This includes, for example, the protection of children, fair working conditions, environmental protection measures to ensure the health of workers — to name the most important aspects.To begin with, this means that companies must take a very close look at their supply chain and ensure maximum transparency: How, where and under what conditions do my suppliers produce? At which of my suppliers' production sites is there a risk of human rights being disregarded? And so on. Then they must work with critical suppliers to minimize their risk potential.Creating transparency in the supply chainThat sounds like a lot of work, which certainly creates major challenges for companies.That's true — but the good news is: there are established tools that can be used to digitize and automate these processes. If we take SupplyOn's solutions, they all essentially aim to create maximum transparency in the supply chain. This starts with master data, which can be easily maintained and updated via SupplyOn and is centrally available to the entire organization. It continues with action plans, which can be created and processed online, and extends to comprehensive risk management, which can be implemented via SupplyOn by incorporating external and internal data sources.Tools are one aspect — but how does a company integrate its suppliers into this process without having to invest an extremely large amount of time and effort?SupplyOn offers the advantage of an enormously large active supplier network, consisting of over 140,000 companies worldwide. Numerous data are already available here in the highest quality. Suppliers only need to update their data in one place. In the end, everyone involved benefits from this.The four-step approachWhat would be a pragmatic approach, in other words, what would you specifically recommend to a company — and how can SupplyOn support it?I recommend approaching the subject in digestible "bites" step by step, as follows:Step 1Create transparency in the existing supplier base: The SupplyOn Business Directory in combination with the Flexible Survey offers the possibility to make an inquiry among the suppliers. Corresponding questionnaires are already available in the system and can be used easily. The results flow automatically into the Business Directory. This sets the foundation on which to begin.Step 2Adding other aspects related to the Supply Chain Act to contracts: SupplyOn Contract Management offers contract templates that include these aspects and supports the update process for new and existing contracts.Step 3Creation of a catalog of measures to optimally support suppliers on their way to compliance regarding the Supply Chain Act: Using SupplyOn Action Management, remedial and preventive measures can be defined in coordination with the supplier and then processed in a structured and transparent manner for both parties. This ensures that agreed measures are actually anchored in the organization and that new processes are put into practice.Step 4Expand risk management and existing reporting processes to include Supply Chain Act aspects: SupplyOn offers the option of enriching an already established internal risk management system with external data in such a way that this creates an even more precise picture of the actual risk. In times of great uncertainty, this step is essential and should be the desired goal for all companies.And one final advice?Don't hesitate any longer, just start and work your way forward step by step.
Four steps to get a grip on key requirements of the Supply Chain Act