Pack-to-Stock: Pack today, ship later

Packing goods for shipping poses greater challenges for suppliers than might be assumed at first glance. In terms of processes and systems, this step is usually linked to delivery, but this is only the case in reality in a few cases. Many companies pack directly after the manufacturing process or quality control and then store the customer-specific packaged containers until dispatch.
SupplyOn has developed the “Pack-to-Stock” module to ensure an end-to-end digital process – and thus support all parties involved in their digitalization strategy. The module decouples the packaging process from the creation of the Advanced Shipping Notification (ASN). Users can pack and label the goods directly after production and later assign the pre-packed materials to an outbound delivery without any additional manual input.
Digital twin with all relevant information
The core of Pack-to-Stock is the ability to all important product-relevant information such as production, expiry and use-by date, batch number, software or hardware revision, etc. before production. Packaging orders can be created with reference to a material number, an order or a delivery call-off. The system supports the transmission of packaging instructions, which are automatically saved in the system. Pack-to-Stock calculates the number of single packs and handling units required based on the planned production quantity and allows the required single pack and HU warehouse labels to be printed directly. It thus forms a digital twin with all relevant information on the goods stored in the warehouse.
The module also offers all the important functions for adapting the digital twin to the produced and packaged containers. This means that the fill quantity of individual containers and the structure of the packs can be efficiently adapted to reality at any time. Production faults and quality control results can also be easily mapped in the system.
Easy assignment of a delivery
Picking and delivery planning can be carried out as before in merchandise management and the warehouse management system. The creation of the delivery in Supply Chain Collaboration (SCC) also takes place unchanged on the basis of the previous documents (purchase orders or delivery call-offs). What is new is that pre-packed material can be easily assigned to the outbound delivery by scanning the package or handling unit ID. With the assignment, all part-specific information is also automatically transferred to the delivery.
The system also supports all forms of mixed scenarios, such as the delivery of pre-packed and non-packed materials and the manual creation of additional handling units. The assignment of pre-packed materials to an outbound delivery prevents duplicate entries or input errors. In particular, the transfer of information already entered before production considerably reduces the time required for delivery and avoids duplicate entries without loss of information. The complete packaging information, both one- and two-stage, is transmitted to the customer and enables easy, fully automatic electronic goods receipt.
Inventory made easy
Powerful inventory functions make it possible to maintain an overview, scrap entire batches in the event of quality problems or track when which items were delivered.
The Pack-to-Stock module offers the flexibility required to adapt the packaging process to internal processes. This allows you to map your customers’ requirements in shipping without additional effort and print all the labels required for material identification and shipping.