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“Vrooom“-tastic: SupplyOn 4 Children 2023 brings an unforgettable experience to kids in need

Inspired by the charity project "Münchner Geschenkeregen" in 2020, our marketing colleagues Anja and Lena, together with us vocational trainers, Marco and myself, founded the "SupplyOn 4 Children" initiative last year. We raise money internally to fund a special event for the kids at the Children's Home in Feldkirchen which takes place each year on World Children's Day, September 20. Last year the kids could jump around in the Maxxarena, a huge trampoline park in the east of Munich. This year's plan: go-karting and bowling at the GoKart Arena in Neufinsing.The fundraising platform: a very special trainee projectA fundraising event of this kind needs to be well prepared. After all, our employees can either support a child directly by paying . Or they can make a flexible donation of their choice for food and beverages. All of this is handled through a dedicated platform. Charlotte from our UX team designed this year's website. Our trainees Christos, Lukas, Paul and Tim did all the programming and testing.As part of their vocational training to become IT Specialists, our first- and second-year apprentices took this project completely on their own and even added their own ideas. For example, Paul came up with a feature allowing donors to add their personal greetings to the children. These very touching words were then printed on the children's personalized tickets.All in all, a lot of hard work went into the platform, front-end and back-end were diligently coded—and the result was really something to be proud of: appealing design, user-friendly forms, PayPal connectivity, email notification and reporting were all implemented by the four of them.The response was simply incredible: the same day the web page went live, 80 percent of the planned trip had been funded by donations already. In total, we raised more than 1,800 euros. Thanks to this generous support from SupplyOn employees, the kids of the children's home had a memorable trip full of fun and adventure on World Children’s Day 2023.Go-karting: a fast-paced start to the adventureShortly after three o’clock, the SupplyOn delegation, consisting of the trainers Marco and myself as well as the two trainees Christos and Paul, arrived at the GoKart Arena in Finsing and were welcomed by Nici, Division Manager of the children’s home. She and a colleague were on site there with some of the kids. Outside the entrance was a discarded go-kart where the children took their first souvenir photos. The children's faces were already filled with anticipation. A little later, all the other children and caregivers arrived, and registration for the go-kart race could begin.After the children had registered for their driver's license, the instructions for the upcoming go-kart race were supposed to follow. But first, the children wanted to thank the SupplyOn employees, whose donations made this wonderful day possible. They presented us with lovingly designed cards and boxes of chocolates as a thank-you.Then the go-kart race began. The two trainees also joined in. The first laps were for getting familiar with the karts and you could feel the ambition in everyone. The smallest girl had great respect for the speed, but still she bravely managed lap after lap. Again and again, she waved excitedly and proudly to her caregiver. After the warm-up, the race was on! On the scoreboard, the lap times improved steadily. There was a fierce battle for places. From time to time there were small touches on the barriers, and it was often very tight in the corners. When everyone crossed the finish line, it didn't matter who had the best time. They were all fearless racers and winners! "Let's do it again! That was so great!" they exclaimed enthusiastically.Bowling: simply smashingBut there was no time for another round because the next adventure was waiting: bowling. The kids picked out shoes, found the right sizes, and headed downstairs to the bowling alley. Not one, but three lanes were reserved for the children. The rules were quickly explained, and the appropriate balls were selected.At first, the shots were a little tentative. But with a little practice, the first pins fell. The children became braver, stronger, and more accurate in their throws. Every hit was cheered and celebrated. Another hour with a lot of fun, but also physical exertion, passed and hunger began to set in. This was also taken care of, and we headed to dinner together.Action makes hungry: a delicious end to an eventful dayThe friendly staff at the GoKart Arena had prepared a long table for everyone. Soon, large plates of chicken cutlets and generous portions of French fries were being served. Everyone was obviously enjoying the food. When everything was completely devoured, the landlady returned with two more large portions of fries and a lollipop for dessert for everyone. Even the older "kids", the interns, got one each 😉Three and a half hours passed quickly, and it was time to go home. But not without once again thanking the SupplyOn employees for such an exciting day. "Can we please do this again? It was so much fun!" they asked longingly. So, we were all the more delighted to be able to tell them that we will soon start planning for World Children's Day 2024. In the meantime, thanks to the many generous donations this year, we have a surprise for the backyard of the children's home. What that surprise will be is still under wraps. Otherwise, it wouldn't be a surprise, would it? All we can say is that the children will have a lot of fun with it for a long time to come.
“Vrooom“-tastic: SupplyOn 4 Children 2023 brings an unforgettable experience to kids in need

Career development through Agile Learning: Angila’s experiences

Angila Paikar-Megaiz has been working at SupplyOn for five and a half years as a Scrum Master for Invoicing / Procure to Pay (P2P). She not only works in an agile manner - she also learns in this way: Angila continuously builds up her knowledge via digital learning platforms. In this interview, you can find out about the advantages of self-organized learning and which courses she recommends: How does self-organized learning via digital learning platforms effectively support you in advancing your professional development?I think platforms like LinkedIn Learning and Udemy are amazing because they help me save a lot of time: Instead of reading a lot of books and researching topics in detail first, they allow me to watch the video recordings that are relevant to me in a flexible and condensed way.It allows me to adjust my learning pace, stop or repeat the videos and study when, where and as much as I want. The recordings contain both a theoretical and a practical part. They convey knowledge in a very compact way. Which is very helpful for me at work.What tangible benefits do you see in allowing employees to learn on their own and in an agile way, rather than waiting for formal training programs?Especially in IT software development, today's content will be outdated tomorrow. The latest content on learning platforms is modern and up to date. This helps me stay updated.Continuing standard education programs sometimes contain outdated content. In addition, formal training programs may not be specific enough.Learning platforms allow me to search agilely for the knowledge I need now and retrieve it in a targeted manner.Could you share some of your favorite courses or topics that you've discovered through LinkedIn Learning that have been particularly inspiring to you?I enjoyed the technical courses on Docker and Kubernetes. But there are also some great soft skills courses. Rhetoric classes, for example, that I can recommend to others.How do you integrate self-organized learning into your daily work and how do you find the right balance between learning and your daily tasks?I set appointment blockers for this in my calendar. I actively register for some training sessions and receive appointment invitations. But I also have regular, self-set appointment blockers and learn on an individual basis.Furthermore, my managers support me very much in this. On the one hand, I have annual development meetings in which we set further training goals. On the other hand, they support my method of adding appointment blockers to my calendar.Of course, it's also challenging keeping to my own deadlines and not continuing to work, which I enjoy doing. And there are also phases that are so stressful that I don't attend the learning sessions.However, it has proven successful for me to continuously build up my knowledge in this way, and to acquire knowledge for my work in such a demand-oriented way that I always return to my routine of learning. This way I always stay up to date.Are there particular successes that you can directly attribute to your self-organized learning?Definitely! In my role as Scrum Master, there have been situations where I wanted to know specifically how I can react even better to certain feedback, for example.This is where I did a specific search via LinkedIn Learning and found soft-skill training that helped me with my issue. I immediately put my knowledge into practice, and it worked well.On the technical side, I took self-study courses on DevOps and was able to apply my knowledge here directly for SupplyOn and therefore drive the topic of DevOps forward internally.Thank you, Angila, for the great insights and tips! Angila's report has piqued your interest and you would also like to join a company that promotes self-organized learning? You are committed, curious and want to use your potential and continuously develop personally and professionally? Find out about our current open positions here: SupplyOn Group
Career development through Agile Learning: Angila’s experiences

Join forces and fight climate change

Beginning of July, SupplyOn hosted a Supplier Community Event on the topic of Company Carbon Footprint (CCF) to promote the importance of measuring and reducing carbon footprints within the supply chain. The event was a collaborative initiative of Continental, Bosch, Schaeffler, and Vitesco Technologies, and was run and supported by SupplyOn.The event focused on encouraging suppliers to accurately measure and report their carbon emissions. The tool to do so is provided by SupplyOn through a survey, which allows the information to be obtained very efficiently. The data collected that way is crucial in determining the environmental impact of the supply chain and can help identify areas for improvement. The event aimed to raise awareness about the importance of carbon footprint measurement and provide guidance on calculating and tracking emissions.Throughout the session, experts from the participating companies emphasized the necessity for sustainable business practices. Andrej Antipov from Bosch highlighted the alignment between all companies involved, emphasizing the shared goal of implementing CO2 reporting and reduction measures across the supply chain. As part of Bosch’s climate action activities, the company keeps an eye on emissions in the upstream and downstream stages of its value chain (scope 3). Bosch has the goal to cut such CO2 emissions by 15 percent in absolute terms by 2030 compared with the baseline year 2018.Veronika Leutgäb from Continental discussed their commitment to renewable energy and the importance of suppliers having a roadmap toward using electricity from renewable sources. Continental has joined the global RE100 initiative committing to using green electricity and expects its suppliers to do the same. By increasing the use of renewable energy, CO2 emissions can be significantly reduced throughout the supply chain.The event provided a platform for companies to learn from each other and exchange best practices for measuring and reducing carbon footprints. It was an opportunity for suppliers to understand the expectations of their customers in terms of environmental impact and to work towards aligning their practices with sustainability goals.A major step in driving environmental awareness among business partnersSupplyOn's CCF event marked an important step in promoting environmental consciousness and sustainability within the supply chain. By encouraging suppliers to accurately measure and report their carbon emissions, companies can work together toward creating a greener and cleaner supply chain for a sustainable future.Continental further emphasized its commitment to sustainability and indicated that they are working on enhancing its supplier evaluation process to give greater weightage to sustainability aspects, including carbon neutrality and responsible value chains.Markus Oberender also emphasized that Vitesco Technologies is interested to learn about the general strategy and roadmap of suppliers, e.g., when will they start using only renewable energy and when do they plan on becoming carbon neutral.The Schaeffler Group set itself the goal of achieving climate-neutral operations and reducing CO2 emissions in both in-house production and the supply chain by 2040 – for example, by using renewable energies. Sophia Schmid, from Schaeffler, expressed the importance of the CCF survey in gaining transparency from their suppliers. The survey results will be considered in future supply chain evaluations, underlining their commitment to sustainable sourcing decisions. Vitesco Technologies supported that expression by emphasizing the seriousness of the topic. For them, this will be one of the major issues for the next years. Therefore, the sooner the suppliers start the better.Overall, the event was a huge success, showcasing not only the collaboration of industry leaders in promoting sustainable business practices but also the commitment of their suppliers to support this joint effort. The collaborative endeavor of SupplyOn, Continental, Bosch, Schaeffler, and Vitesco Technologies highlights the importance of measuring and reducing carbon footprints in creating a more environmentally conscious supply chain.
Join forces and fight climate change

SupplyOn Channel Partner Ecosystem helps Chinese manufacturing companies achieve digital transformation

In the current economic predicament, one of the ways out for manufacturing companies is through supply chain thinking, research and practice. For more than 20 years, SupplyOn has not only provided leading supply chain solutions for intelligent collaboration and visualization in the industrial sector, but also has a leading global customer base in the industry and the best industry ecosystem with more than 140,000 active suppliers.From SupplyOn's point of view, the successes and awards that have been and are being achieved cannot be separated from the various forces behind the company, including a progressive corporate culture, executives with forward-looking strategic thinking, excellent teams and so on. SupplyOn aims to build a "Channel Partner Ecosystem" in China by sharing our many years of success and experience with our partners, and the participation of our partners will also become an irreplaceable source of strength behind SupplyOn's continued success.The so-called "Channel Partner Ecosystem" is initiated by SupplyOn, which fully considers the interests of the channel and utilizes the "Channel Leading Strategy" to vigorously promote and provide effective suggestions to partners, aggregate services, complement capabilities, and achieve mutual benefit and a win-win situation. In short, based on the general environment of digital transformation, SupplyOn will actively share expertise and experience in supply chain solutions with partners, and both parties will cooperate to develop and further expand their business scope.Stronger together: mutual benefits and win-win results are the key to successSupplyOn will continue to expand and support its channel business in China, provide high-quality services to customers, accelerate the promotion of SupplyOn solutions and services, and actively support more Chinese high-quality manufacturing enterprises in their global layout.SupplyOn is always actively seeking like-minded partners. If you want to take advantage of digital transformation to embark on a journey of intelligent solutions, we welcome you to join the SupplyOn Channel Partner Ecosystem. SupplyOn will help you build a professional team, support your customer practice and connect efficient empowerment markets through online and offline channels. The first channel partner meeting will be held in October in Shanghai.If you would like to become our channel partner, please click here.
Qian Yang · August 10, 2023 - reading time < 2 Min.
SupplyOn Channel Partner Ecosystem helps Chinese manufacturing companies achieve digital transformation

New features developed in Program Increment 2023-02

Time flies! Twelve weeks have gone by again: We present the work of our development teams in the solutions Supplier Quality Management, Invoicing and AirSupply. Supplier Quality ManagementThe goal of the last three months was to create more transparency for the customer and supplier in the Technical Review solution by means of a new status display in the navigation area: As a result, the users can now easily identify the categories in which questions have already been answered. They can also immediately check which categories contain questions that have been accepted, not accepted, or tentatively confirmed. InvoicingThe user interface of SupplyOn Invoicing has been rebuilt from the ground up — both in terms of design and functionality: Users can now see a lot faster which functions are available to them and how they can use them.Thanks to the revision of the invoice validation, it is now possible to identify and correct potential validation errors more easily.All lists, such as the invoice list, now have a full table view with extended display options. For example, the users can more easily show and hide columns, sort, move or filter them as needed.Even non-registered suppliers can now view the processing status of invoices in the Payment Status Overview. They no longer have to contact the customer's support team and get the information they need much faster.Find more information about the new user interface here. AirSupplyThe last few months have also been dedicated to making it even easier for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to use the AirSupply SCM solution. The Easy Starter Package includes process simplifications as well as a streamlined message format that can be implemented even without any mapping experience. The new preconfigured software enables a stable and encrypted exchange oforder data,order confirmation dataand forecast data. In the Scaled Agile Framework, one development period seamlessly follows the next. So stay tuned to find out which new features we will develop in the next Program Increment.
Lena Zuber · August 2, 2023 - reading time < 2 Min.
New features developed in Program Increment 2023-02

Kicking for a cause: SupplyOn at the Charity Company Championship 2023

On Saturday, July 22, 2023, the SupplyOn soccer team was once again in action for a good purpose. Like last year, the Charity Cup was held at the Nymphenburg Sports Park. In 2023, however, with the whole package and not cut back as in 2022. More precisely this meant 24 teams in total divided into four groups. The first two teams in each group made it to the second round.Max and Flo, the founders of the Charity Cup, put a lot of effort into organizing a great event. Everything was thought of - the course of the tournament and the care for the players were great. The weather played along and so there was a nice atmosphere similar to a summer party. This year's patron was Jimmy Hartwig, this time not only by video message, but live on site. He stayed for the whole day and kept making short motivational announcements in between, reminding the participants that it's all about having fun and to take care of each other. He was also available for photos and conversation - a great guy.Although there was no victory for SupplyOn SC, there were some close scores. Once again, we were unable to practice before the tournament. What remains are fond memories and the look ahead to another participation in 2024.Of course, we are always happy to welcome new teammates! 🙂Sporty greetingsSteffenMore information about the organizer (in German)
Kicking for a cause: SupplyOn at the Charity Company Championship 2023

Girls’ Day 2023: … and action!

On April 27 it was time again: On Germany's Girls' Day, five girls once again had the opportunity to get a taste of everyday working life at SupplyOn. With the motto "Empowered. Connected. Visible - Take your future into your own hands", we not only wanted to show them how exciting and varied the IT industry is - they were also able to put their talents to the test. But let me start from the beginning.The supply chain in a nutshellWe started with a welcome and a short workshop on the supply chain. Product Manager Carina and Product Owner Pia used a short explanatory video and eye-catching icons to explain how a supply chain works, why it is important and what exactly SupplyOn does. The girls then had the chance to get hands-on and build the supply chain for a car."Roll camera!" with the Onboarding teamIn the second workshop, our Onboarding team introduced the girls to the SupplyOn Studio and their work. Our consultants Susann and Charlotte first explained why we built a professional film studio at SupplyOn and how we use the content produced there. Charlotte then gave an insight into presentation techniques. Here, the focus was particularly on how to appear on camera and which aspects to consider when posturing, speaking and choosing words.Equipped with a lot of useful tips, the girls were then able to put their skills to the test both in front of and behind the camera. Three SupplyOn colleagues from different departments were on hand for the interviews. Two of the girls formed a moderator duo to learn more about their careers and everyday life at SupplyOn. Meanwhile, the other three worked behind the camera with Jonah, Susann and Charlotte. During this practical part, we were absolutely thrilled by the professionalism and self-confidence of all the girls in front of the camera. After one take everything was in the can. A big thank you also goes to our interview partners Patricia, Almudena and Pia, who gave the girls a candid insight.While Charlotte and Jonah edited the videos, Susann showed everyone how to create a supplier information portal in our content management system. The highlight for the girls: They will have their own Girls' Day portal with all the videos, lots of photos and useful presentation tips. A nice souvenir of a rich and exciting day at SupplyOn.Careers in the IT industry: as varied as life itselfAfter an eventful morning and some refreshments, the program continued. The next part was a presentation of different career paths. We had prepared the individual stages of four colleagues on a large whiteboard with pictures and slips of paper. Now the question was: Which step belongs to whom? Which job titles do I understand? What order could the career steps have?After a short period of reflection, Regina (Training), Maria (EDI team), Daniela (Consulting) and Katharina (Finance) solved the puzzle. Now the differences and diversity were easy to see. We have colleagues who are university graduates, others are high school graduates or have graduated from schools in other countries. From previous work experience as a security guard to an electrician to a receptionist, it was all there. And yet they all have one thing in common: SupplyOn.This is what we want to pass on to the next generation: A career path doesn't always have to be straightforward. Nothing is set in stone forever. And above all: Have fun doing what you do! After the wonderful presentation, it was time for a well-deserved lunch break. And after this refreshment, the day was almost over: At the end of the day, we reviewed the individual stations with the girls — and as a highlight, they were able to watch their own interview!Text written with great support from Julia Hughes and Katharina Winsczyk
Anja Weber · June 12, 2023 - reading time < 4 Min.
Girls’ Day 2023: … and action!

New SupplyOn features developed in Program Increment (PI) 2023-01

Our development teams have been working at full power over the past three months. Check out the results in the areas of Visibility & Analytics, Supply Chain Collaboration, Invoicing and AirSupply: Visibility & AnalyticsAt the end of the latest development phase, we are introducing new options in the Product Footprint solution: From now on, it includes a comment function that facilitates the collaboration on the platform. Added to this is the new "Create parts" function. This allows the user to easily create the parts that are not existing in the list of parts. Supply Chain CollaborationFresh breeze also in the area of Supply Chain Collaboration. New, modern user interfaces now offer even faster orientation in the following overviews:Orders and Line Items Overview (new: streamlined way to confirm orders)KanbanGoods ReceiptDue DeliveriesFor shipping notifications, there is now the possibility to prevent early creation of ASNs, as well as to reduce the manual effort required to maintain the smallest packing unit.The new "Issue Center" functionality shows where a user needs to take action to ensure a smooth business process. In the first step, inconsistencies in the delivery forecast process are provided. InvoicingIn many Chinese regions, an additional option for creating Fapiaos (domestic Chinese invoices) using the Golden Tax System has now been established. The so-called "Fully Digitalized e-Fapiao" is currently in pilot phase. Suppliers located in these regions might be obliged to use Fully Digitalized e-Fapiao instead of traditional paperbound Fapiao.Invoicing now supports the necessary download format in addition to the known transfer options. All other steps in the Golden Tax workflow remain unchanged. AirSupplyThe new Repair Order process in AirSupply allows customers to place repair orders for suppliers. This new process is based on the existing order process, but supports some specifics of repair processing:The customer can inform the supplier of the date of dispatch and the expected date of arrival.The supplier or repair center confirms receipt of the parts and, after evaluation, can upload a cost estimate in AirSupply, which is immediately sent to the customer.The supplier specifies the expected repair duration and costs. This allows the customer to schedule and agree on the date and price with the supplier - all steps can be carried out  seamlessly in AirSupply. Did you like the features presented? Stay tuned to find out what enhancements our development teams will introduce in the coming months.
Lena Zuber · June 1, 2023 - reading time < 3 Min.
New SupplyOn features developed in Program Increment (PI) 2023-01

Program Increment (PI) 2022-04: New features in SupplyOn solutions

We kick off the new year with a look at the achievements of the past development phase (Program Increment 2022-04). Here you will find an overview of the most important innovations in the SupplyOn solutions: Visibility & AnalyticsThe development teams have done a great job in the area of Visibility & Analytics in designing the new solution "Product Footprint".The introduction of the Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains shows that it is becoming more and more important to determine and prove the ecological footprint of the own products. We have implemented two sections in the new solution for this purpose:The "Actual Footprint" determines the footprint of all parts that are already produced in series. It is possible to request the required certificates from the supplier.If a component is still being developed or has not yet been ordered, meaning there is no part number for it yet, the "Planned Footprint" function determines a rough indicator of its future CO2 impact through production and transport.Besides the implementation of this new solution, there is another innovation: the Flexible Survey solution has been integrated into Strategic Risk Management. Such linking of the solutions creates a seamless user experience.From now on, there are three possible ways to select suppliers for the survey:draw a "Circular Area" on the map and select all suppliers in the marked zoneuse the "Polygonal Area" to draw a polygonal area and thus define the suppliers to be addressed even more preciselyselect suppliers regardless of their location using various filter criteriaThe email addresses of the recipients of the survey are drawn from the Business Directory and thus do not have to be entered manually. Supply Chain CollaborationIn Supply Chain Collaboration, we start off 2023 with three new features:From now on, individual supplies can be tracked at the level of purchase order delivery schedules across all processes — from demand to goods receipt booking. This also simplifies the connection to customers with Oracle ERP systems.When creating transport and advance shipping notifications for the loading address, the supplier can now create an address book and this way increase data quality.If a supplier user only works with selected customers via SupplyOn, he can now individually adapt and restrict the e-mail notifications to the customers he is responsible for. Supplier Quality ManagementIn the Technical Review solution, the user now has more options for selecting the system status and for displaying longer texts. In addition, a comment function has been added to the measures overview. This makes it even easier for the customer and supplier to exchange information on a measure level.When managing objects in SupplyOn Project Management, the selection of objects to be revised has been considerably simplified for administrators: the additional upload function speeds up the process significantly. InvoicingThere are also some new enhancements in the area of invoicing. To better support the individual workflows of suppliers, it is now possible to manually close billable items (without generating invoices within SupplyOn). This allows suppliers to close items that have been invoiced outside the platform and to keep their list views up to date or adjust them at a later date.The second innovation is designed for Mexican suppliers, as they must have domestic invoices and credit notes approved by a state authority (Servicio de Administración Tributaria "SAT") before they can be forwarded to the customer (so-called "clearance procedure"). Invoicing will also support this process in Mexico in the future and thus optimally accompanies the prescribed workflow. AirSupplyIn the last Program Increment, a helpful feature was implemented in 9S Practical Problem Solver (PPS): Within the PPS document, the supplier can now assign the added problems to the root cause entries under "Step 4 - Identify root cause(s)".The customer has the advantage that he can see at a glance which problems contribute to the root causes. He thus helps his supplier to process the PPS document quickly. So many innovations! Stay tuned for the next update on SupplyOn's new features that will be available in three months.
Lena Zuber · January 25, 2023 - reading time < 4 Min.
Program Increment (PI) 2022-04: New features in SupplyOn solutions