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Kick-off: SupplyOn at the Charity Company Championship 2024

The SupplyOn Football Team at the Munich Charity Company Championships (MCCC) 2024 (Photo: Steffen Keber)
The SupplyOn Soccer Team at the Munich Charity Company Championships (MCCC) 2024 (Photo: Steffen Keber)

If my Outlook hasn’t hidden any emails and if my memory serves me right, SupplyOn took part in the MCCC (Munich City Company Championship) for the first time in July 2014. This was also the time of the World Cup, in which the German team won the title. We all certainly remember the 7:1 win against Brazil in the semi-finals 🙂

But back to this year – ten years later: For the first time, the MCCC took place in Aschheim instead of the Nymphenburg Sports Park. According to the organizers, they were not sure whether the change of location would meet with acceptance. But their worries were unfounded.

Full support from the sidelines (Photo: © Steffen Keber)
Full support from the sidelines (Photo: © Steffen Keber)

24 teams attended the event, ensuring an optimal tournament schedule. As in 2023, Jimmy Hartwig took over the patronage. He was once again present to welcome the players in person. The traditional photo with all the teams was taken and then the group phase began. But we couldn’t speak of good luck in the draw: Accenture and Hartmann Consulting (2023 tournament winners) were two very strong opponents in our group.

Gruppenfoto (© Steffen Keber)

Fortunately, the SupplyOn team had five newcomers. As in previous years, we didn’t have the opportunity to practice together in advance. Thus, the other teams had an advantage, and the sporting successes were absent on our side. In fairness, it must be said that some colleagues still had the B2run (Wednesday, 17.07.2024) in their bones.

Sadly, there was also an injury, not caused by an opponent, but by an inconspicuous hole on the otherwise well-maintained field. Best wishes and a fast recovery to our colleague! Fair play was key in all games, and there were no serious fouls.

The organization team (Pascal and the team Die Gastgeber) really went the extra mile and provided everyone with delicious food and drinks. Nothing was missing, a thousand thanks for that!

The well deserved tournament winner was the team “Die Gastgeber”. They prevailed against our group opponents Accenture. Congratulations on the title.

We had a lot of fun at the MCCC 2024 and will certainly take part again in 2025!

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