Supplier Community Days: the first step towards the Supplier Community

In times of globalization, we keep noticing that the best way to move forward is to network with each other and thereby get to know new perspectives. With the concept of the Supplier Community, we want to connect the companies registered as suppliers and offer them a platform for their thoughts and ideas. They shall be able to give each other tips about working with SupplyOn as well as to express feedback and suggestions about the SupplyOn solutions.
A community is born…
Three months ago, the supplier community started to take shape. We spent many weeks working intensively on the concept and developing ideas for its realization. The Supplier Community Days form the cornerstone of the overall construct of the Supplier Community. We will identify and define future community activities and features together with the suppliers during the events.
What’s it all about at the Supplier Community Days?
The Supplier Community Days are a series of events that will from now on take place on a quarterly basis. Two weeks ago, we already hosted the kick-off event. Suppliers from all over the world came together in four virtual workshops.
The goals:
- Introducing the Supplier Community idea as a whole and the Supplier Community Days as part of the concept
- Encouraging suppliers to share knowledge and experiences with each other
- Finding out their improvement requests on the SupplyOn solutions and as well as their expectations from a supplier community
The content of the following Supplier Community Days will be determined by the suppliers themselves. The follow-up event is planned for September and will address the topics defined by the suppliers two weeks ago.
How did the first Supplier Community Days turn out?
At the kick-off event, we welcomed around 60 suppliers. In order to cover as many time zones as possible, we organized a two-hour session in the morning and afternoon of May 19th and 20th, offering participants to choose from.
Here, suppliers from Canada, Japan, India, Belgium and many more countries dialed in via Microsoft Teams and took part in interactive exchanges via microphone, chat and polls.

After the attendees had introduced themselves, the two initiators Regina Schmitz and Mario Büntig presented the community concept together with the schedule of the Supplier Community Days. Participants were then able to share their expectations of a community in a Mentimeter survey. Thereby they gave valuable suggestions for future activities. A platform for the exchange of information among each other and the opportunity to contribute to the (further) development of SupplyOn solutions were among the demands of the suppliers.
As it was not possible to define a topic in advance for the first event, the speakers presented SupplyOn’s information offering in the second part. Release Notes, Support Center, Media Library and other support options were discussed with the participants. The first community feeling came up right away. Suppliers who have been working with SupplyOn for a long time gave tips to the newer users about which offers were helpful for them in specific scenarios.
Finally, in the last part of the session, suppliers had the opportunity to take another survey. Thereby they determined the topics for the upcoming Supplier Community Days in September.
What’s next?
In addition to regular follow-up events of the Supplier Community Days, further community activities and features are to be established. In addition to regular follow-up events of the Supplier Community Days, further community activities are to be established. We plan to create a platform where suppliers can communicate with each other at any time and exchange tips and tricks. They should also be informed about new developments and have the opportunity to participate in expert groups to help optimize solutions.
Statement of the initiator
Why did we come up with this idea? We wanted to give our user community a voice! For me, the Supplier Community Days were a complete success, as we gained a lot of insights and therefore can now plan the implementation. I am already looking forward to the next event and I am very excited about the new input the suppliers will give us.
Regina Schmitz, Senior Consultant Training, SupplyOn AG

We have great plans for the Supplier Community. In the weeks to come, we will cluster the latest input from the participants and already realize first steps. Stay tuned and follow how our Supplier Community grows and thrives.