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Shopping Cart

Compare items easily and use standard shopping lists

Fast and easy shopping cart creation

After selecting items from the catalogs, you have the possibility to recheck your selection, adjust quantities, compare prices and items, and add items from your favorite lists.

You can also create complete shopping carts, such as an initial set of office equipment for new employees, which you can access again and again. It is also possible to access shopping carts created in the past, which considerably simplifies the ordering of frequently required items.

Your benefits of the
Shopping Cart

You reduce your administrative effort as frequently ordered items and predefined shopping carts can be reordered with just a few clicks

The simple comparison of items helps the orderer to identify the cheapest one

Would you like to get more information about Shopping Cart?

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    You can find all information on data protection in our privacy notice.
    Please fill out this form only in case you are interested in integrating your supplier processes into your supply chain in order to optimize them.
    For all other inquiries, please contact our support.