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Transform your supply chain for profit and planet

Drive innovation, achieve compliance,
and gain a competitive edge

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, sustainability is no longer an option—it’s a strategic imperative. Companies that embrace sustainable practices not only contribute to a healthier planet but also gain a competitive edge by meeting the growing demands of environmentally conscious customers and regulatory bodies.

Adopting sustainability measures can result in

  • cost savings
  • enhanced brand reputation
  • reduced risk

Integrated ESG solutions to advance your decarbonization strategy

Designed to help you navigate the complexities of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria, our solutions help you drive meaningful change.

Carbon Footprint Management

Accurately measure, monitor, and mitigate carbon emissions across your supply chain to ensure compliance with global standards and enhance your corporate responsibility.

Corporate Carbon Footprint

Gain transparency about your company’s direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3).

Identify the key levers to reduce your carbon footprint and effectively engage your suppliers to propel your decarbonization strategy.

Product Carbon Footprint

Determine the carbon footprint of your products from cradle to gate, including the high-impact upstream Scope 3 emissions of your purchased and quoted parts.

Leverage your sourcing strategy as a key element of Scope 3 reduction.

Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)

– for EU trade –

Exporting goods to the European Union? Get ahead of the curve and prepare your operations for the new Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) as the regulation’s transition period ends in 2025.

Experience the efficiency of our sustainability solutions first-hand

Reducing your carbon footprint

Carbon reduction in the supply chain:
3 key challenges and how to solve them

Scope 3 emissions account for roughly 80 % of total emissions, making it the most effective lever for reducing your carbon footprint. However, there are three fundamental challenges on the path to decarbonization. Learn more about it and how to overcome them.

Purchasing and compliance integration

Integrating sustainability into your procurement processes is essential for maintaining compliance and achieving high performance. Our solutions ensure that sustainability is embedded in every procurement decision, helping you achieve 100% compliance and drive continuous improvement

Learn more about how to achieve 100% compliance in these blog posts:

Drive sustainability through
close collaboration with your suppliers

“Sustainability is a joint effort between your company and your entire supplier base“

That is why we host dedicated Supplier Community Events on ESG topics. These events are instrumental in sharing relevant information, and supporting and engaging suppliers in this shared journey towards decarbonization.

Learn how we’ve worked with our customers to engage and educated their suppliers through our Supplier Community Events:

Would you like to accelerate your decarbonization?

Just enter your contact details and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

    You can find all information on data protection in our privacy notice.
    Please fill out this form only in case you are interested in integrating your supplier processes into your supply chain in order to optimize them.
    For all other inquiries, please contact our support.