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Supply Chain Risk Management

Control risks in your supply chain with a holistic approach and minimize them together with your suppliers

Add resilience to your supply chain

Eliminating supply chain risks requires a holistic approach that covers the entire process, from supplier selection to delivery of a component, and takes into account all factors that could lead to a disruption. Besides external risks such as natural disasters or the financial stability of your suppliers, the focus is also on process risks.

Supply chain risk management must therefore be an integral part of your supply chain management processes. End-to-end digitalized processes and close collaboration with your suppliers form the basis.

Requirements for holistic supply chain risk management

  • Visibility across your supply chains enabling the detection of potential risks and the ability to respond to disruptions in real time
  • The ability to implement preventive improvement measures with your suppliers
  • The ability to quickly and precisely evaluate impacts with your suppliers and take resolution actions in the event of a crisis
  • Agile, easily adaptable supply processes that allow you to quickly reschedule and switch to bottleneck mode in the event of a crisis

Your benefits of
Supply Chain Risk Management

Avoidance of disruptions through proactive identification of risks in advance

Reduction of manual efforts through automated mapping of risks and disruptions

Fast restart after disruptions through efficient, seamless supply chain processes

Reduction of disruption impact through early reaction

SupplyOn supports you on your way to holistic supply chain risk management — from preventive measures to managing your suppliers in the event of a crisis

Preventive Supply Chain Risk Management

In-crisis Supply Chain Risk Management

  • Supplier Risk Management monitors all potential risks to which your suppliers are exposed. This makes it easy to identify any need for action
  • Risk indicators can be taken into account and mitigated as early as the sourcing process, when selecting suppliers and approving new parts
  • Business process KPIs help to identify potential process disruptions and trends at an early stage
  • Process compliance shows where agreed processes have not been applied or are not consistently maintained and are being undermined by workarounds
  • Collaborative action management with your suppliers enables joint risk mitigation and development of emergency routines
  • Capacity management and forecast collaboration reveal bottlenecks at your suppliers at an early stage
  • Comprehensive supply chain visibility solutions allow immediate identification of supply chain disruptions
  • SupplyOn’s collaborative tools can quickly identify your suppliers’ ability to deliver, even at short notice
  • In case of crisis, Supplier Information Management enables you to find the right contact person immediately
  • Prepared action plans allow fast and standardized processing of emergency routines with your suppliers in the event of a crisis
  • Flexible demand and supply planning (supply chain collaboration processes) via SupplyOn enables you to switch rapidly from the regular series process to bottleneck control
  • The use of SupplyOn’s flexible supply chain collaboration processes supports fast and adaptive rescheduling of supply quantities in close alignment with your suppliers

AI-based visibility solutions to reduce your supply chain risks

Supply Chain Visibility

Supply Chain Visibility provides insight along all control points from planning to delivery in the long, medium and short term and across multiple delivery stages. Holistic monitoring enables the identification of disruptions of any kind in real time. Based on AI algorithms, potential risks can be predicted at an early stage.

Transport Visibility

Transport Visibility provides seamless monitoring of shipments and enables precise predictions of the arrival date of the goods (Predictive ETA – Estimated Time of Arrival). AI-based delivery quantity forecasting secures transport capacities.

Manufacturing Visibility

Manufacturing Visibility matches production progress and inventory information from your suppliers with your delivery requirements. Based on AI algorithms, this allows you to make accurate predictions regarding delivery dates and potential supply bottlenecks.

You want to minimize your supply chain risks?