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Corporate Carbon Footprint

Reducing CO2 emissions and achieving ambitious climate targets in collaboration with your suppliers

The impact of your supply chain on your footprint is huge

In the manufacturing industry, up to 80% of CO2 emissions originate from the supply chain. Companies that pursue ambitious climate targets can therefore only achieve them in close cooperation with their suppliers. This requires transparency: on the one hand about your suppliers’ current performance and the targets they are pursuing in this area, and on the other hand about the CO2 emissions caused by your purchased parts – both now and in the future.

SupplyOn optimally supports you in achieving your ambitious climate targets by quickly identifying the CCF (Corporate Carbon Footprint) data of your business partners. The easy access to centrally provided and regularly updated climate scores creates the basis for targeted emissions management and the sustainable reduction of your carbon footprint.

Your benefits of our
Corporate Carbon Footprint solution

Quick identification of your business partners’ Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF) data through easy access to centrally provided and regularly updated Climate Scores in the SupplyOn community.

Sustainable reduction of your CO2 footprint through comprehensive transparency about the emissions of your business partners

Efficient integration of climate-relevant key figures of your business partners in all processes in purchasing, product development and transportation

All features at a glance

  • Transparent presentation of your suppliers’ corporate carbon footprint (CCF) and climate scores
  • Climate Dashboard provides an overview of all climate-relevant scores and enables sustainable purchasing decisions
  • Insight into climate-relevant key figures of your business partners at numerous levels – from plant level to part level
  • Easy integration of all CO2-relevant data into purchasing and supplier management processes
  • SupplyOn’s community approach enables access to important CO2-relevant key figures such as the climate readiness score of a constantly growing number of suppliers
Gartner Research

Three steps to efficiently reduce Scope 3 emissions in the value chain

A Gartner report highlights the challenges in reducing greenhouse gas emissions that companies face with regard to the Scope 3 emissions generated in their supply chains. It is often difficult to collect, manage and compare reliable supply chain data. But there are ways to achieve ambitious climate targets.

Would you like to reduce your CO2 footprint now?

Just enter your contact details and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

    You can find all information on data protection in our privacy notice.
    Please fill out this form only in case you are interested in integrating your supplier processes into your supply chain in order to optimize them.
    For all other inquiries, please contact our support.